How did removal of the body hair become a necessity?
Source : Google search In the wake of pandemic with countries under strict lock-down , beauty salons are closed for months now; we have returned to our roots in every way possible. The lock-down has made us see ourselves for the bodies we are when not bombarded with treatments of various kinds: bleaching, straightening, facials and the most noticeable one, body hair removal. especially for women, when the definition of beauty includes a hairless face, arms, armpits and legs, this overgrown hair is pretty evident now. Therefore, I cannot help but wonder, will we be able to accept these natural appearances? Not alter them again to fit the superficial definition of beauty? Will it allow women to feel empowered in terms of beauty without going through painful hair removal treatments every month? The answers to these questions lie in the history of body hair removal practices and trends, which to my surprise date back to 3000 BC in Egypt and Roman Empires. The first razors, made of copper,...